Copywrite, Ink. SInce 1991.

Copywrite, Ink. assists organizations in producing newsletters, magazines, ezines, educational guides, and trade books. This boutique division also manages a number of titles by celebrated author Richard R. Becker.

50 States: A collection of short short stories

About 50 States by Richard R. Becker

50 States by Richard R. Becker is an award-winning, best-selling debut collection of short stories that captures the human condition and how perception shapes destiny. Together, they provide a character-driven sampling of the American experience over the last 60 years — the kind and the cruel, the heroic and criminal — in unpredictable and exciting ways.

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50 States: A collection of short short stories

About Third Wheel by Richard R. Becker

Third Wheel by Richard R. Becker is a debut novel from the author of 50 States — a powerful coming-of-age thriller  about belonging, betrayal, and breaking away. The novel is set in the dusty suburban outskirts of an aberrant 24-hour town, better known as Las Vegas.

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50 States: A collection of short short stories

About Ten Threads by Richard R. Becker

Ten Threads by Richard R. Becker is a Kindle exclusive — ten more short stories that build upon, intersect with, and connect to those explored in his stellar debut, 50 States. Like the debut, the book spans several literary genres with each short story set in a different state.

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